Talk therapy and medications are wonderful ways to treat mental health issues. However, there are many other therapeutic avenues that could be beneficial but are often not explored. One such therapeutic approach is the use of Acupuncture. Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine and a component of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body. Many people swear by Acupuncture’s ability to heal physical and emotional trauma. To help us unpack this subject I’ve brought in trauma-informed licensed acupuncturist Dr. Winnie Wang. Dr. Wang believes that trauma is the root cause of many physical and emotional illnesses, she focuses on releasing trapped emotions in organs and meridians (energy pathways).

About Our Guest
Winnie Chan Wang is a trauma-informed licensed acupuncturist, Reiki practitioner, shadow worker, and shamanic Tao healer. She is also a professor in Acupuncture at Alhambra Medical University. In her private practice, Winnie honors her clients as divine self-healers, navigating their healing journeys as co-pilots. Winnie combines the medical science of a clinically trained acupuncturist with the spiritual knowledge of a shaman to help her clients process their trauma by channeling source healing energy and guided breathwork.

Key Takeaways
Your body keeps the score of mental health “injuries”. To deal with your mental health, you have to deal with your physical health.
Take the time to listen to your body. Your physical pain could be alerting you to deeper emotional wounds.
Physical health problems such as headaches, fatigue, and stomach pain may be indicators of an underlying emotional health problem.


Dr. Winnie Wang

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