“She’s just jealous of you.” It’s a phrase we’ve all heard and said before. It seems to be the go-to thing to say when you want to make a friend feel better about a situation. For most of us, it’s definitely what we heard our mom say at one point or another in childhood. The funny thing is this all too familiar phrase really does make us feel better and helps us shift the blame off ourselves and onto the person who we believe wronged us. But, if we’re honest jealousy is not a one-sided emotion, we’ve all been jealous of somebody or something. After all, jealousy is an innate tendency, hardcoded into our minds and present in all humans.
In this episode of Drop the BS podcast we’re exploring the complicated emotion of jealousy. We get real about how it shows up in our lives, we look at what you can do if you find yourself feeling jealous, and we leave you with solutions for moving forward.
In This Episode, You’ll Hear More About:
- WHAT exactly is jealousy
- WHY we have such a hard time admitting we feel it
- WHAT you do when someone is jealous of you, or you feel jealous of someone
- WHAT BackStory causes jealousy to rear its ugly head
Mentioned during the show/resources:
Women Who Push Conference October 27, 2018 https://clerendamcgrady.com/conference/
Psychology Today (If you are in a crisis or need professional mental health assistance please visit the link provided for a list of providers in your area. This show is intended for educational purposes only and does NOT replace professional mental health assistance.
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