The pattern of giving more than you are getting can happen with love interest, family, friendships, and even with coworkers. If this pattern continues to show up in your life, you have to start looking at the underlying reasons why the pattern consistently follows you.
In this week’s podcast episode, I will help you (1) understand why this BackStory behavior sneaks into your life over and over again and (2) learn tools on how to avoid these types of relationships. Reestablishing balance with the people in your life is essential to your peace of mind and growth
Mentioned during the show/resources:
Drop The BS Facebook Group
BackStory Boot Camp Information: ps://
Last Episode of the Season!
I would like to thank you for the support and well wishes during the first season of the podcast. The emails and direct messages I received helped me to keep going through all 29 episodes. I will be back in 2020 with brand new episodes. If you have suggestions for shows, please send them my way.
I’m hosting a Workshop To Celebrate!
If you’ve enjoyed the podcast and would like to dig a little deeper into your BackStory, I’m hosting a BackStory Breakthrough Boot Camp. The BackStory Breakthrough Boot Camp is a two-hour virtual webinar focused on helping you heal from a life experience or experiences that have left you with self-doubt, anxiety, and feeling like you are not enough. You can attend from anywhere and you will have the opportunity to replay the webinar for several months.