We all know that the key to any long-lasting healthy relationship is good communication. But yet, time and time again, communication breakdowns are at the center of why people struggle to feel happy and fulfilled in their relationships. What makes this even more puzzling is that most of us believe we are great communicators. Often when couples have a relationship breakdown, they get stuck on trying to be right instead of trying to get the right outcome. While there are several factors that contribute to the success of any relationship, communication skills – or lack thereof – can either help or hinder one’s prospects. On today’s show, I will share a relationship communication tool called “third layer conversations” to help you improve communication and restore disconnects in your relationship.
You will learn:
1.How to use the cycle of connection, disconnection, and reconnection to language communication breakdowns.
2. How to use the third layer conversation process to smoothly move through relationship challenges.
3. The four ingredients that need to be present for healthy, productive communication to occur.
Mentioned during the show/resources:
Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/
The BS Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/