There are inevitably going to be periods in your life where you feel sad or have what people call the blues. These feelings usually are precipitated by an adverse life event like a breakup, job loss, or having a bad fight with a friend. The feeling of sadness usually lingers for a few days, and then your back to your happy self. There are also times when what you are feeling may not be the blues.
Clinical depression is often mistaken for the blues because the symptoms are closely related. Understanding the difference is very important because depression affects 17.6 million Americans each year.
In this episode of the podcast, we will examine the difference between the blues and depression. Even if you’re not someone who struggles with these feelings, it’s imperative that you know when it’s time to get help for a friend or family member.
Mentioned during the show/resources:
Drop The BS Facebook Group
Psychology Today
Suicide Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255