The energy it takes to hold on to past hurts can rob you of time, joy, and peace of mind. Clutching to anger breaks up families, destroys marriage, and steals the most precious moments in life. Most of us understand this intellectually, but our fear is forgiveness gives the person who hurt us a pass to do it again.

In this episode, we’re taking a sneak peek into the life of a man who is trying to learn how to forgive his mother for things that happened in his childhood. I go in session to help him, and you learn how to forgive the things that seem unforgivable. I close the show by giving you concrete strategies to start the journey of forgiveness today.

Mentioned during the show/resources:
The content on the show is not meant to be a substitute for seeking help from a mental health professional in your area. If you are in need of professional help please visit this Psychology Today link for resources.

Psychology Today (Resources to find a mental health professional in your area.)

Join our private Facebook group (I will post a video after the episode to give you additional tools, insight, and strategies.)

Submit a question or a thought to the podcast.

In each episode, I’ll answer a question or share a thought from a listener. There is power in allowing your feelings to be heard so don’t be shy send me your questions. Of course, I will always keep your identity confidential. Email questions to

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