Communication is at the heart of all relationships, but have you ever noticed how when it breaks down or you’re not being effective at communicating that any relationship that you’re engaged in will go off the rails? We like to say “Communication rules the nation”– yes, it’s that important.

In this episode, we are talking about cognitive distortions, behaviors, and BackStory personalities that can lead to poor communication in personal or business relationships. We also discuss verbal and non-verbal ways we can impact effective communication and identify a sub-culture that is also affected. By the end of the episode, we leave you with some solutions to help you improve your communication so you can have the positive outcome you desire.

In This Episode, You’ll Hear More About:

  • WHAT is a cognitive distortion and how it can impact the way you communicate with others.
  • WHY we have such a hard time communicating with each other.
  • WHAT are the different types of BackStory personalities that may impact communication.
  • WHAT is an important sub-culture that can be affected by poor communication and what is a major component to getting it back on track.
  • WHAT you should try to avoid when you are engaged in a business relationship. Hint: It’s a pet peeve of Franka’s.
  • WHAT you should be striving for in all your communication.

Mentioned during the show/resources: 

Handout for the episode

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