Episode 5: We Just Can’t Communicate

Episode 5: We Just Can’t Communicate

Communication is at the heart of all relationships, but have you ever noticed how when it breaks down or you’re not being effective at communicating that any relationship that you’re engaged in will go off the rails? We like to say “Communication...
Episode 4: She’s Just Jealous of You!

Episode 4: She’s Just Jealous of You!

“She’s just jealous of you.” It’s a phrase we’ve all heard and said before. It seems to be the go-to thing to say when you want to make a friend feel better about a situation. For most of us, it’s definitely what we heard our mom say at one point or another in...
Episode 3: The Devaluing of Experience

Episode 3: The Devaluing of Experience

Do you ever feel like someone came by and just flipped the world upside down? It seems like everything we learned about how to have a successful business and or career no longer matters. Long gone are the days where experience, professionalism, seniority, and loyalty...
Episode 2: Lonely Relationships, Is It Normal?

Episode 2: Lonely Relationships, Is It Normal?

How many times has your single girlfriend said to you, “I don’t need a relationship right now, I’m good”. So as a good friend you listen and nod because you know she’s so adamant about it that there’s no use trying to get her to...