Even people who have their stuff together most of the time can occasionally find themselves in a loop of negative thoughts that all go back to how they are not good enough. These loops can be triggered by the smallest event and usually leave you feeling frustrated and upset with yourself. The good news is there is a way to break this pattern of thinking and improve your confidence.
In this episode, we tackle how to pull up the root of these thoughts and destroy them once and for all. This is the second part of a three-part series. You will leave the episode with concrete steps and a small bit of homework to help you bring the message home.
In this three-part series we will:
(1) Take a deep dive to find the root of “not feeling good enough.” (part 1)
(2) Pull up the root and destroy it. (part 2)
(3) Come back to the surface to learn practical everyday solutions to stop overthinking and feel more confident. (part 3)
Mentioned during the show/resources:
Episode homework link https://dropthebspodcast.com/episode-17-homework/
Drop The BS Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/dropthebspodcast/
Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us
Hi Dr. K
I accidentally sent a request from my business page, Bakers Safe and Lock Co. I want to send one from my personal page instead.
No problem I look forward to hearing form you. Thanks for checking out the podcast.