How many times has your single girlfriend said to you, “I don’t need a relationship right now, I’m good”. So as a good friend you listen and nod because you know she’s so adamant about it that there’s no use trying to get her to discuss it. When the truth is, your friend is lonely. She goes home every night to an empty apartment or house when in reality she wants to share her life with someone. Or what about your friend who is married to a successful man. On the outside looking in she appears to have it all. She’s generous and volunteers to help out anyone who needs it. Little did you know it was masking the fact that she’s also lonely. In this episode, we are talking about the modern-day epidemic of loneliness and how it can affect women whether they are in a relationship or not. But beyond just discussing how widespread it is, we’re also talking about how it can affect women if it is not addressed. We also break down what Backstory may be at play, the subcultures affected, and what you can do if you, or someone you know, is affected by it.

In This Episode, You’ll Hear More About:

  • WHAT exactly is loneliness and what the research says about it
  • WHY this is a topic worth talking about
  • WHO is impacted by loneliness
  • WHAT powerful questions you need to ask yourself to start on the path to confronting how you feel.

Mentioned during the show/resources:

Article about loneliness Chronic Loneliness Is A Modern Day Epidemic mentioned during the show. Download this episode’s handout to do your own work after the show: Episode 2 Download Psychology Today (If you are in a crisis or need professional mental health assistance please visit the link provided for a list of providers in your area. This show is intended for educational purposes only and does NOT replace professional mental health assistance.

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