Drop the BS Podcast
The podcast to help you Drop your BackStory.
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Here’s a full list of episodes. Click read more for show notes.
Episode 34: Relationship Gaslighting-Your Not Crazy, Your Being Manipulated
The thing that hurts most about being in a toxic relationship is realizing that you've been fooled. Most toxic relationships don’t start that way. They begin just like any other relationship but...
Episode 33: Is Your Self Doubt Really Imposter Syndrome?
Do you ever feel like at this point in your life, and with all you have accomplished, you should have more confidence? Or do ever feel like you somehow lucked into your job, or you aren’t as smart...
Episode 32: Controlling Anger-Before It Controls You
Anger is a completely normal, sometimes healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out of control, it can lead to problems at work, with relationships, and affect your peace of mind. A recent study by...
Episode 31: Winning With the Cards You’ve Been Dealt
Life is a lot like a game of cards. We all are dealt a hand and whether good or bad we have to play that hand according to the rules of the game of life. There is no option to give our hand back to...
Episode 30: Doing It Scared, The Secret to Having Your Best Year
There has been so much emphasis lately on living brave and being fearless. You’ve probably seen social media memes about it or even created a vision board about living brave. In the moment, these...
Episode 29: Ready To Stop Giving More Than You’re Getting In Relationships?
Have you ever felt that you give more than you get in relationships? Or that you give to everyone, but when you need someone to be there for you, no one shows up? It’s painful when you try so hard...
Episode 28: Do You Have Trouble Focusing? You Could Have Adult ADHD
When most people hear the letters ADHD (Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder) they think about kids who are bouncing off the wall or who are constantly displaying impulsive behaviors. The...
Episode 25: Successfully Rebuilding Your Life After A Divorce
No one gets married with the intent for it to end in divorce, but unfortunately, many people find themselves in divorce court. Regardless of whose decision it was to divorce, the end of a marriage...
Episode 24: Real Mom’s Dish: Kids, Marriage, Work, and Keeping It All Together
This week’s podcast was inspired by an experience I had a few months ago, and I’m sure it’s one that many moms can relate to in some way. It was a Saturday afternoon, and I was headed out the door...
Episode 23: Unfulfilled Potential: What Dream Do You Need to Revive?
Very few people can say they have achieved their true potential in life. The distance between where you are and where you want to be is usually filled with lost dreams, disappointment, and feelings...
Drop the BS
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